How Small Businesses Earn Big Wins with Webinars

3 min readNov 5, 2020

The business world is becoming increasingly fast-paced and complex. As companies struggle to stay ahead of the curve in an era of endless information, a new demand has begun to develop. Webinars are now an exceptional way for businesses to demonstrate their thought leadership, capture the attention of their target audience, and deliver education at scale.

Now that everyday people are struggling to find the time to attend classes and seminars in-person, digital solutions allow them to access the information they need conveniently. Through online webinar tools, organizations of all sizes and backgrounds can hold customer events, global training, and sales presentations for up to 500 presenters and 10,000 attendees.


It’s never been easier to create and customize the right events for your network.

So, Why Are Webinars So Popular?

1) A Webinar Is Inherently Accessible

In today’s fast-paced digital environment, webinars allow companies to create intimate connections with potential customers, shareholders, and employees alike. It’s a method of providing face-to-face communication to the masses, without having to pay for an expensive conference hall.

Businesses of all sizes can host webinars easily, without spending a fortune. At the same time, all types of learners can log into expand their knowledge, and interact with brands. Webinars are quick and easy-to-consume sources of online content. Usually, they deliver a far more immersive experience for modern customers than eBooks and extensive articles.

2) Webinars Create Crucial Connections

With written articles and eBooks, you can give information to your customers, but you can’t have a conversation with them. Webinars open up a dialogue through question-and-answer sessions where you can respond to individual client concerns.

This adds another layer of depth to the interactions that you have with your audience. Moreover, it helps your customers to feel more familiar with your services and products. It also has a positive impact on your brand’s reputation, by showing that you’re willing to take the time to converse with your audience about their needs.

3) Webinars are Cost-Effective

With the help of online meeting tools, the cost of creating webinars is usually quite low- particularly when compared to other marketing activities. While developing your presentation might require a little bit of time and focus, the ROI is significant. The increased brand awareness and customer satisfaction that you can gain from a well-attended webinar will typically far outweigh the costs.

What’s more, people who sign up for and attend your webinar usually already have a vested interest in your company and brand. This gives you an exceptional opportunity to interact with warm leads who may be on the cusp of buying your product or service.

4) Webinars Show Your Credibility

Let’s say, you have the right webinar software and strategy in place. Finally, you can demonstrate your expertise in an attention-grabbing and focused format. A well-presented webinar highlights the depth of your industry knowledge to your target audience. This could even help them to trust you more as you strive to earn their loyalty.

Webinars are easy to attend, simple to host, and cost-effective for your organization. All you need is the right knowledge to share, a target audience, and the support of an effective piece of webinar software.

1) A webinar can help in gaining insights- insight on attendees’ behavior. Polls and surveys during the webinar can increase engagement along with feedback.

2) Information can be used to come up with future webinar topics and content. You can also use it to profile the audience.

3) Used for targeted follow-ups and guide attendees through the sales funnel.

4) Content strategy ideas.




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