How V Shred’s Body Type Quiz Funnel Drives 9-Figure Revenue: 5 Key Lessons

13 min readOct 10, 2024


We live in a world where fitness and health have become integral to our daily lives. With the rise of social media, people have become conscious about their bodies and are constantly seeking ways to achieve their desired physique. This is where V Shred’s body-type quiz funnel came into the picture bridging the gap between the need and the solution. And this quiz funnel became a game-changer for the company and an example for other brands to learn from.

Driving a 9-figure revenue, this quiz funnel established the company as a leader in the fitness industry. But, how did all of this become possible? What did they do differently from others?

In this article, we’ll unpack 5 key lessons from their masterful execution of this lead-generation technique. Whether you’re in the fitness industry or any other business, V Shred’s approach offers inspiring lessons on how to truly understand your audience and build a tribe of raving fans.

Curious to know more about it? Let’s get started by exploring a bit more about V Shred’s journey.

Company History and Growth

Established in 2015 by Vince Sant, a former overweight kid turned ripped fitness entrepreneur, V Shred started with a mere $1,000 investment.

Since then, it has evolved into a powerhouse generating nine-figure revenues. And the secret behind their success was a cleverly crafted body type quiz funnel that sits at the heart of their marketing strategy.

By having prospects answer a few questions about their body composition, goals, and lifestyle, V Shred effectively segmented them into different categories. This segmentation allows V Shred to tailor personalized recommendations for the perfect workout and nutrition plan based on each individual’s specific needs and circumstances.

This personalized approach has struck a chord with millions seeking authentic, custom-tailored solutions in a sea of generic fitness advice.

How Does the V Shred Quiz Funnel Work?

V Shred cleverly crafted a personalized quiz funnel that guides visitors through a tailored experience. Their website strategically funnels traffic to the quiz from the eye-catching hero image, homepage, and paid ads.

Once there, the quiz gathers five crucial pieces of information: gender, age, height, weight, and fitness challenges. By identifying the user’s gender and goals, V Shred presents solutions that resonate deeply.

For instance, if the user is a man seeking bulging muscles, V Shred will tailor their approach accordingly, utilizing aspirational images of muscular physiques. Conversely, if the user is a woman striving for a toned figure, they’ll incorporate visuals of lean, sculpted bodies.

The true magic happens after the quiz, where V Shred crafts a captivating video that explicitly states the user’s challenges and goals using their provided input. This personalized approach is the key to V Shred’s success, as it creates a sense of being seen and understood.

By transforming a simple quiz into a powerful tool for connecting with their audience personally, V Shred sets the stage for a journey towards achieving one’s desired physique, guiding each individual with a clear roadmap tailored to their unique needs.

How Did V Shred’s Ad Strategy Change the Game

Now let’s understand what made the Vshred quiz go viral and successful. The company started running strategic and compelling ads to give a boost to its quiz funnel.

They have a massive website traffic of over 5 million visitors. And over 40% of that traffic comes from ads. And not just that — they have done over 100 million in sales with just this ad strategy.

It became really intriguing for us to check out what made their ads stand out. How did they convince people to watch the ad completely and even take the call-to-action intended?

Their YouTube channel fetches them over 35% of traffic among all social media. So we analyzed their YouTube ad to learn from what they are doing.

The first striking thing we saw in the ad was the kind of controversial statements Vince Sant makes in the ad.

“If you’re trying to lose belly fat, stop doing cardio.”

“Is fruit bad for your diet?”

And that’s the hook! That’s a very controversial statement because most people think cardio is the key to losing fat. Similarly, everybody thinks fruit is good for them. So this immediately grabs the viewer’s attention.

We also noticed that they use different people’s faces instead of just the main guy. This could be smart because if you’re running advertising super heavily, having a different face in there once in a while can freshen things up and even interest people who are tired of seeing the same face over and over again.

Another thing we noticed is that the ad clips were taken using an iPhone camera video. In fact, they reuse a lot of previously used clips and match them together. These little cuts from different ads keep the user’s attention. Moreover, they save a lot of money in shooting new scripts for their ads — which helps them invest more money in their ads strategy.

Next, Vince claims in the ad that “There is a simple way to completely transform your physique in as little as 12 weeks”. This is a bold claim, but that’s what grabs people’s attention. People want to get the result in as short of a time period as possible and with as little work.

That’s why he mentions words like ‘simple way’, ’12 weeks’, ‘fast’, etc. And that’s what people exactly want.

Another hook they use is leveraging celebrities in their ads strategy. Vince talks about how actors change their physiques around very quickly and get into shape. And the reason this works is that people like actors, they want to look like them and know what they’re doing to be in such great shape. So the ad kind of capitalizes on that as a fitness program.

After intriguing the viewers with these tactics, they finally ask them to click the link in the video and take the body type quiz.

“When you click, it’ll take you a quick 30 second quiz where you’ll answer just six easy questions and after answering those six questions, we don’t need your email or any information from you.”

This was again a smart thing to do. He tells the viewers what exactly are the next steps after they click on the link. Moreover, he also makes them comfortable by saying we won’t ask for any emails. This removes their resistance and prepares them mentally to take the quiz; ultimately increasing the CTR of their ad link and traffic on their website.

The link finally takes you to a video where he explains why things like cardio and fruits don’t work and how to get a ripped body with three quick and easy steps. And that makes the users think — oh, it’s just three things; it must be easy!

What makes this ad funnel work is that it’s curiosity-inducing. Some of the claims, some things they say, they’re pretty out there, but in terms of execution and the formula, it’s very good. Moreover, the personalized result is what funnels people into the right plan and makes it a high ROI tool!

5 Marketing Lessons from V Shred’s Body Type Quiz Funnel

1. Make the Problem Crystal Clear

V Shred’s post-quiz video vividly illustrates the frustration of struggling with stubborn fat despite efforts in diet and exercise. This involves providing detailed descriptions or examples to ensure a deep understanding of the difficulties faced by the audience.

They empathize with the audience by describing the common struggle of wanting to achieve a shredded physique but facing obstacles in reaching that goal. This helps them to build trust and credibility. The video below is an excellent example of how they understand users’ problems and give them solutions.

2. Use a Curiosity Tease

This is another powerful tactic used by V Shred in their quiz funnel. As humans, we are naturally curious beings and can’t resist the urge to find out more when something piques our interest.

They use interesting captions and headlines to grab the audience’s attention and leave them wanting more. This creates a sense of intrigue and makes people more likely to take action, such as clicking on the quiz or signing up for their program.

By using curiosity as a hook, V Shred is able to engage its audience and increase conversions. Look at one of their Instagram reels with this caption, “Try this instead of running.”

Image Source

This tagline instantly sparks curiosity and makes people want to watch the video to find out what this alternative could be.

3. Begin With a Small Step

Instead of asking for a significant commitment, start by prompting the audience to take a simple action, such as answering a fundamental question. This initial step should be effortless and non-intimidating, serving as an entry point into your marketing funnel.

For instance, V Shred initiates its funnel by asking a straightforward question: “What is your gender?” This minimal-friction approach makes it easy for individuals to engage with the quiz without feeling overwhelmed, easing them into the broader marketing process.

4. Flaunt Your Expertise

V Shred’s quiz funnel does not just focus on the problem but also showcases their expertise in solving it. By presenting themselves as knowledgeable and experienced, they establish authority in the fitness industry and position themselves as a go-to source for achieving a shredded physique.

Highlight your qualifications, experience, proprietary systems, and specialized knowledge. Use proof like statistics and counter-intuitive secrets to demonstrate your credibility. V Shred uses this strategy quite well. This is how they showcase several success stories on their home page.

5. Paint a Picture

Use relatable visuals of ordinary people’s transformations to depict the aspirational result customers want to achieve. Humans are highly visual, so these make the outcome feel attainable.

V Shred’s quiz funnel does an exceptional job of painting a clear picture of the desired outcome. By showcasing the real-life transformations of their customers, they give their audience something to aspire towards.

This creates a sense of relatability and trust as potential customers can see themselves achieving similar results. Using visuals also helps capture attention and make the message more memorable.

Implementing a Quiz Funnel in Your Business

So, now we know the power of quiz funnels and how they can be used effectively to market a product or service. But what does it actually take to implement one in your own business?

It may seem daunting. But with the right tools and strategies, you too can create a successful quiz funnel that drives conversions and boosts your bottom line.

Here are some crucial tips to keep in mind when implementing a quiz funnel in your business:

1. Identify the Customer’s Pain Points

First things first, you need to understand your target audience and their pain points. What are the challenges or problems they face that your product or service can solve? This will help you tailor your quiz questions and results to resonate with them truly.

But how can you do this effortlessly? By conducting market research and creating buyer personas. This will deepen your understanding of your target audience and help you create a quiz that speaks directly to their needs. Besides, you can use surveys, social media polls, and customer feedback to gather information about their pain points.

2. Explain the Root of the Problem

What if your customers are not even aware of their pain points? In this case, you can use the quiz to educate them about a problem they didn’t know they had. For example, if you offer financial planning services, you could create a quiz that reveals how much money people lose with an improper budget. This will help your audience understand the importance of your service and make them more likely to take action.

3. Demonstrate a Solution

Once you have identified the problem, it’s essential to offer a solution. Utilize your quiz to showcase how your product or service can solve their pain points and improve their lives.

For instance, if you sell skincare products, your quiz could reveal which type of skin they have and recommend the right products for them. This will not only personalize the customer experience but also show them that your business has a viable solution to their specific problem.

4. Offer a Simple, Achievable Solution

The last thing you want is for your quiz to overwhelm or confuse potential customers. Make sure that the solution you offer is simple and achievable. This will make it more appealing and encourage people to take action.

You can also provide resources, such as blog posts, videos, or guides, explaining how your product or service can help solve their problem. By doing so, you are providing value while also promoting your business as a reliable source of information and solutions.

If you feel implementing so many things will take a huge amount of time and effort, then there’s good news for you.

With Outgrow, it’s super quite easy to create engaging and interactive content in minutes.

You don’t have to be a tech genius or spend hours coding to build an awesome quiz funnel.

Outgrow provides an intuitive drag-and-drop interface that makes building quizzes, calculators, surveys, polls, and more a breeze.

Plus, with their pre-designed templates and customizable branding options, you can easily match your content to your brand’s aesthetic without any hassle.

How to Build Your Own V Shred Quiz Funnel with Outgrow?

Building a quiz funnel similar to V Shred’s with Outgrow can be a highly effective way to generate leads, segment your audience, and offer personalized solutions.

Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you create your own quiz funnel:

1. Plan Your Quiz Structure

The first step is to outline the structure of your quiz. Start by thinking about the number of questions, types of quiz questions (multiple-choice, dropdown, etc.), and the logic behind each question. Ensure your questions are engaging, relevant, and aligned with your goals.

2. Create Your Quiz on Outgrow

Sign up for a free Outgrow account and navigate to ‘Outcome Quiz’.

Follow these steps after that:

  • Set Up Your Quiz: Give your quiz a title, choose a template or design it from scratch, and add an introduction.
  • Build Your Questions: Add your questions and customize your question types, answer options, and scoring logic using Outgrow’s intuitive interface.
  • Set Up Result Pages: Set up the different “outcomes” by adding a heading, description, images/videos/charts, and calls to action for each suggested fitness plan or product recommendation. Configure outcome page settings like the overall heading/subheading text, actions for the CTA buttons, number of outcomes displayed per page, social share buttons, etc. Customize the outcome page design.
  • Map Your Suggestions: Map your different fitness products, programs, and merchandise to the outcome results. Showcase the options best suited for that user’s fitness profile based on their quiz answers.
  • Configure Advanced Mapping: Toggle on the “Advanced Mapping” settings. This allows you to set a precise score weightage for each answer option, increasing or decreasing the score for that particular outcome. Assign weighted scorings based on the answers that best qualify someone for each outcome.

3. Design and Customize

Outgrow offers a wide range of design options to help you create a visually appealing quiz that aligns with your branding. Customize the colors, fonts, and layout to ensure a consistent and professional look.

4. Set Up Your Quiz Funnel

After the quiz, set up additional pages or steps to nurture your leads. This could include:

  • Lead Capture Form: Collect essential information like name, email address, and any other relevant details.
  • Offer Page: Present a tailored offer, such as a free guide, discount code, or trial, based on the user’s quiz results.
  • Upsell or Cross-sell: Promote complementary products or services that align with the user’s needs and interests.

5. Promote Your Quiz

Once your quiz funnel is ready, promote it through various channels, such as social media, email marketing, paid advertising, or your website. Leverage the power of storytelling and create a compelling narrative around your quiz to drive engagement and participation.


V Shred’s body type quiz funnel is a testament to the power of personalized, customer-centric marketing. By understanding their audience’s diverse needs and tailoring their approach accordingly, V Shred has achieved remarkable success in the competitive world of online fitness.

Take a page from V Shred’s playbook and implement a quiz funnel in your own business. You can use Outgrow’s 7-day free trial for this. It will make your marketing efforts more effective and ultimately drive more conversions.

Share your experiences and results in the comments below — we’d love to hear about your successes and challenges as you adapt this strategy to your unique offerings.

Remember, true success comes not from copying others completely, but from applying fundamental strategies with your own unique twist. So go ahead, put your own spin on V Shred’s quiz funnel, and watch your revenue soar!


How can a quiz funnel help increase leads and conversions?

Quiz funnels are powerful lead-generation tools because they engage users in an interactive experience tailored to their interests and needs. By providing personalized results and recommendations, quizzes can nurture prospects through the marketing funnel, leading to higher conversion rates for email sign-ups, product purchases, or other desired actions.




#1 B2B Tech Company in New York. Outgrow old marketing. Engage your customers with interactive calculators, quizzes and recommendations: