Interactive Content Ideas For Each Stage Of The Buyer’s Journey
Understanding your customers isn’t easy. But it does help to know what they’re looking for and when. This is why we take the help of a little something called the ‘buyer’s journey’. The buyer’s journey refers to the buyer’s process of moving from the awareness stage to the consideration stage and finally to the decision stage. Thee customers need to be nurtured and interacted with differently in each of their stages. You can use different types of interactive content to tend to different customers and push them further along their journey. We refer to this journey in the form of a three-staged funnel with buyers moving from the top to the middle and the bottom of the funnel. Let’s have a look at how you can use different types of interactive content ideas for each stage of the buyer’s journey.
Top Of The Funnel
The buyers at the top of the funnel are in the awareness stage. At this stage, the buyer realizes that they have a problem that they require a solution to. They tend to indulge in educational research to more clearly understand, frame and give a name to their problem. At this stage, you make the buyer realize that they are facing a problem.
Suppose you are an automobile company. And you want to target a lead that is trying to decide whether an automobile is the solution to their problem. You can use an outcome quiz for ‘Which Car Should You Go For?’ to make them aware of their options. You can also use this quiz to educate this lead about your own product. If you are a company that works for environmental welfare, an assessment for ‘How well do you know global warming? Let’s find out!’ can really help you. Whether for recruitment, donations, competitions, or other causes, it will help you filter out good leads. On the basis of the answers of different users, you can segment them into different categories. You can focus on leads that score higher in the quiz and so on.
Here’s an example of ‘SELFNutritionData’, a nutrition education company. They have embedded a calorie and BMI calculator right on their website. This calculator takes inputs from users about their height, weight, etc. and gives them information on their BMI and required calorie intake. This calculator is general, value-based and asks for no subscription. This will develop trust towards the company in the minds of the users. The input data will also help the company segment their leads and target them with relevant information.
Another example of real-life interactive content is by Hub, the company blog from High Speed Training. It used an assessment quiz on email marketing to help their customers know where they stand in terms of their knowledge on the same. Marketing companies that are looking for email marketing tools can really benefit from these kinds of assessments.
Middle Of The Funnel
Now the customer has moved on to the ‘Consideration’ stage. In this stage, the buyer has clearly defined their problem or challenge and are dedicated to addressing it. They are now aware of how they can solve their problem and start analyzing the different methods available. Now, it becomes important to tell your buyers how their problem can be solved through your product.
For example, this quiz for ‘Which Marketing Tool Is Perfect For You?’ is a great example for leads in the middle of the funnel. This would help a business find out and analyze all the options available for them as per their company and their requirements.
Another example of such an interactive content type is ‘Calculate The NET Cost Of Your College Degree’. How can this experience help you? Well, suppose you are an educational institute. You want to target leads that are looking to pursue a college degree. A calculator like this will help them understand their total budget and make choices accordingly. In addition to that, you too will be able to segment the leads that fit your college expenses. Thus, you will be able to target more qualified leads.
Homelight is a company that uses data to help homebuyers and sellers find the best real estate agents worldwide. Now this company decided to create a calculator for ‘How Much House Can I Afford?’. This calculator analyzes the inputs of the user and calculates their total house budget. This helps the user get an idea of the kind of areas, houses, functions they should be looking at and choose a realtor accordingly. The calculator also allowed Homelight to match these users with more suited realtors.
Bottom Of The Funnel
Now for the last segment of the blog and of our funnel — the bottom. Now the buyer has reached the decision stage. The buyer has already recognized their problems, analyzed their options and chosen their solution category. Now it’s time to choose the best option. Now you have to let your customer know how your product is a better solution to their problem than all the other options.
An automobile company like Tesla can use a quiz like, ‘How much can you save by buying a TESLA?’. A quiz like this can educate its leads on the benefits of buying a Tesla over other automobiles. This pushes the product forward and offers a very personalized solution to the user and encourages them to choose their product.
For another example, an ROI calculator is a great example to target leads at the bottom of the funnel. This calculator gives you a quantified benefit that your users can gain out of your product. A real-life example of one such calculator is this ROI calculator that Hubspot created for its users. This gives the users the idea that their value and gains are more important to the company than their sale. This calculator takes into account your monthly leads, visitors, etc. and gives your final potential revenue.
The second example for a bottom of the funnel calculator is this EMI Calculator created by Mercedes Benz. It gives you your EMI account on the basis of the model of the car you want to purchase. This helps you analyze your costs if you do decide to buy a Mercedes and this calculator makes you more confident in your purchase.
Interactive content ideas for each stage of the buyer’s journey — there, you have it. It is important for every marketer to track its buyers throughout the journey. And no shoe fits all, right? You can’t use the same content for all the stages in your funnel. Different interactive content for different leads makes our work easier, and yours too! In case you have more questions on the ‘how’s, well, hit us up as soon as you can!