Types of Quiz Questions to Make Your Quiz Addictive and Fun!

9 min readSep 15, 2021


Quizzes are a universally fun and popular way to pass time, test your trivia or even get to know your personality a bit better. But there are certain elements that make these quizzes engaging like the visual elements, personalized results, and most importantly, the types of quiz questions you ask.

An interesting quiz would include questions that your audience can relate to. So today we’ll explore the basics of quizzes, types of quizzes, and what you can do to ensure your quiz questions are fun!

What Is a Quiz?

A quiz is a means to test the knowledge of the participants on a particular topic or a mix of different topics. Quizzes are generally utilized as sources of entertainment, however, they can also be used in formal settings such as schools and colleges to evaluate students on different topics/subjects.

Quizzes can be of different types — from BuzzFeed-style quizzes to personality tests and even general knowledge quizzes. The type of quiz you choose to make will determine the kind of questions you should include in the quiz.

Let’s learn a bit more about the different types of quizzes.

Popular Quiz Question Examples:

Here are some popular quiz questions, categorized into different industries –

Automobile –

Beauty & Skincare –

Education –

Health & Fitness –

Types of Quizzes

1. Personality Tests

Personality quizzes or personality tests allow us to learn a bit more about our personalities in an entertaining manner. Moreover, these kinds of quizzes build upon our innate inquisitive nature to learn more about ourselves and how we fit in with others. These quizzes are normally short, easy to take, and include personalized answers.

Questions for Personality Tests:

It is best to include questions that do not require participants to think very hard to answer. They can be short and simple, as long as they are presented creatively. The questions should focus on the general preferences participants have regarding the topic. So for these quizzes, multiple choice questions are preferred to keep the experience snappy and fun.

Example of a Personality Quiz:

An example of a Personality Test is Masculine Style’s “Learn Your Archetype” Quiz.

[Try out this quiz]

This quiz includes questions that focus on the participant’s preferences about their lifestyle. As a result, it subsequently recommends dressing styles based on their answers, from Rugged, Rakish, or Refined.

If you want to know how to create personality tests, check out our blog here!

2. Trivia Quiz

A trivia quiz tests the user’s knowledge of trivia or trending topics. Trivia quizzes can be useful in multiple ways, from entertaining to building bonds with fellow quiz-takers.

Questions for trivia quizzes:

As trivia quizzes focus on topics that are already popular, whether it be the latest song or a show, it is best to include references to those topics in the form of visual elements such as gifs/images or videos. Additionally, a trivia quiz can include multiple choice questions to keep the quiz entertaining and easy to take.

Example of Trivia Quiz:

Outgrow’s “Are You a Water Waster?” is an example of a trivia quiz.

[Try out this quiz]

This quiz focuses on the topic of environmental protection and climate change. It asks participants questions about their usage of water. It also asks questions relating to the water shortage crisis around the world. Therefore, this is a great trivia quiz to raise awareness about this global crisis in an engaging manner.

For more ideas on trivia quizzes and questions, check out our blog here!

And if you’re wondering where to make your very own trivia quiz? Sign up with Outgrow for FREE and build the trivia quiz of your dreams!

3. E-commerce Recommendation Quiz

An e-commerce recommendation quiz is a quick and hassle-free way for companies to direct customers to the products that would suit them the most. This kind of quiz also focuses on the user’s personal preferences in order to recommend the most appropriate product at the end.

Questions for e-commerce recommendation quizzes:

This kind of quiz may include a mix of multiple choice questions and informative questions with images/gifs etc that explain the product to the user. The objective is to help users make an informed decision. Using logic jumps is common in quizzes like these to direct each customer to the product of their choice based on their responses.

Example of E-commerce Recommendation Quiz:

”What is the Best Smartphone You Can Afford” is an example of an e-commerce recommendation quiz. This quiz allows users to go through options like the preferred price range of a smartphone, the preferred features, and the preferred model to present a personalized recommendation at the end.

[Try out this quiz]

Learn how to create e-commerce recommendation quizzes in our blog here!

4. BuzzFeed Style Quiz

A BuzzFeed Style Quiz is another kind of trivia quiz. These can be created on almost any trending topic and include fun quiz questions such as “what is your favorite ice cream flavor” or “which vacation destination is perfect for you this summer”. Quizzes like these are made purely for entertainment purposes and that is what keeps the participants hooked for hours!

Questions for BuzzFeed Style Quizzes:

These quizzes also generally have multiple choice options to further build on the intrigue and suspense regarding the result at the end.

Example of a BuzzFeed Quiz:

“Is Your Humour As Deadly As Deadpool’s” is an excellent example of a BuzzFeed quiz. In this quiz, participants are encouraged to compare their humor to that of Deadpool. This quiz leverages the trends and popularity of Marvel’s character Deadpool to keep the participants engaged based on their knowledge of this character.

[Try out this quiz]

5. Assessment Quiz

An assessment quiz encourages users to test their understanding of a given topic and provides feedback or scores/grades at the end. This kind of quiz is extremely useful for school students and teachers to gauge their performance.

Questions for Assessment Quizzes:

These kinds of quizzes may include lengthier questions and options related to the particular subject of the quiz. Likewise, these quizzes may also include visuals, mostly in the form of graphs, charts, or images.

Example of an Assessment Quiz:

This “French Proficiency Quiz” is an example of an Assessment Quiz. In this quiz, the students are presented with questions and options in the French language to test their application and understanding of the subject.

[Try out this quiz]

Now that we have looked at the most common types of quizzes and the kinds of questions to include, let’s look into the best practices when creating quiz questions.

Best Practices for Quiz Questions

1. Ensure Questions Are Straightforward

Quizzes are generally time-paced, regardless of whether they are for tests or fun! Therefore, when creating your quiz questions, you should ensure they are simple and easy to understand.

Similarly, the questions should be to the point without any extra information that may seem confusing to the participants. In other words, you should avoid double-barrelled questions that lead participants to focus on two things at once.

2. Use Visuals to Increase Engagement

Using visual elements in your quizzes can make them more appealing, engaging and fun! In fact, visual content is 40 times more likely to be shared on social media, and it increases conversion rates by 86%. When adding visuals such as gifs/videos, you should ensure they are relevant to the topic. Moreover, if you are creating assessments, do ensure the visuals included are not too distracting for students.

3. Use Logic Jumps for Personalized Responses

Logic jumps are an extremely useful feature to ensure that the participants get the answer best suited to their responses. They can be used in e-commerce recommendation quizzes, and outcome quizzes so that the level of difficulty of the test increases/decreases as per the student’s previous responses. Hence, you can be creative and include logic jumps in your quizzes as you see fit.

4. Ensure Quiz is Optimized for Different Devices

Your quiz should be optimized for easy viewing and access on mobile devices and tablets. Since the usage of mobile devices is way higher these days, pick a quiz maker that automatically converts your quizzes in suitable format as per the user’s device.

Moving on, let’s see how you can create your perfect quiz with our platform!

How to Make a Quiz on Outgrow

When creating a quiz on Outgrow, you can utilize all the suggestions given above easily. Include visual elements in questions and answers, add logic jumps, graphs, etc. according to your needs. Additionally, you can embed your quiz in various places or integrate it with other tools to improve your workflow.

Want to learn more about creating your quiz on Outgrow? Check out our blog below!

Ideas for Quiz Questions

We have discussed various quiz types, quiz questions and best practices for creating a quiz. However, if you still need ideas for creating your own quiz based on the industry, check out our premade templates here!

Want to see a quiz in practice? Let’s check out a real-life example — a quiz case study from Baroes Publishing.

Baroes Digital Publishing is a publishing house in Brazil. They were looking for a way to increase their conversion and lead generation rates. And a quiz was perfect for that! Hence, they created a personality quiz titled “Which City Should You Move to in 2021?

This quiz proved to be an extremely effective way for them to meet their desired goals. Upon sharing the quiz, they generated more than 134,000 visits, gathered more than 64,000 leads and increased conversion rates by 48%.

Want to boost your lead generation rates like Baroes Digital Publishing? Try Outgrow’s quiz maker now!

Or if you want some more quiz inspiration, check out our blog below!


Quizzes are surely gaining popularity as time goes by. And we hope this blog was able to give you an idea of the kinds and types of quiz questions you can create on your own!

Want to share any other quiz tips and tricks of your own? Let us know in the comments below!

And check out these related links before you go

Want to create your own quiz straightaway? Try Outgrow Now!




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